If you would like a different measurement to this then you can reach out to our team here after making your purchase. If you would like these fast, please choose next working day delivery on our checkout.
- Strong Metal Eyelets.
- One Pair of Eyelets.
- Quick Delivery Available, no need to wait weeks for delivery.
We can eyelet any yoga mat, however we do not recommend eyeleting heavy yoga mats like Rubber, as this can stretch the holes overtime. Having eyelets in your yoga mats is a great way to hang them up to dry or air in-between classes.
Are you looking for a bracket to hang your yoga mats, we recommend the fully adjustable yoga studio bracket or physical metal bracket.
Please note: All eyeletted mats are non returnable, if you require specific specifications for the eyelets please contact us by email or phone as soon as your order has been placed. If no further instructions are given after the order has been placed then we will punch the holes to our standard size below. Due to different materials of Yoga Mats and different weights, we can not supply a guarantee for longevity of the eyelets.
This listing and prices are for eyelets to applied to yoga mats bought from this website, if you would like to eyelet mats which you already have please get in contact for a custom price - [email protected]